In order to make our nomination procedure more reflective of the best in the industry we have revamped the procedure. Please read carefully before submitting nominations.
Please note that the nominations for Pretty Funny Stand Up (Male, Female and Newcomer) are handled differently. Skip ahead here.
New this year: Canadian Comedy Foundation for Excellence submission fee.
- All nomination submissions must include a signature of a voting member. (DGC, WGC, ACTRA, EQUITY, CFTPA, THE COMEDY ASSOCIATION)
- All nominations must clearly state:
- Name of the proposed nominee
- Date the show was presented
- What award the nomination is for
- The signature of the voting member endorsing the nomination
- Work had to be performed in the 2002 calendar year. For film and television the first run had to be aired or presented during the calendar year.
- All nominations must include a tape of the show/performer/performance
- They may be submitted as vhs, hi-8, mini-dv or beta
- Please include a time code or other description of a one minute clip from the tape
- These tapes will be forwarded to nomination committees to help arrive at the “Final 5 nominees” for each category.
- The short clips may be used on the secure voting pages to refresh voters’ minds before they vote.
- Stand Up Categories - male , female, and newcomer are nominated by a panel made up of 18 comedy clubs and festivals from coast to coast. All nominations received will be forwarded to the category (film, TV and live) committees who will select the final five. These committees are made up of representatives from across Canada who work in the category.
To nominate please send the above to:
The Canadian Comedy Awards c/o Higher Ground Productions
214 Merton Street, Suite 208
Toronto, M4S 1A6
Material may be picked up at our office after the awards in September.
Important: All submissions must include a check or money order for $25.00 payable to The Canadian Comedy Foundation for Excellence, a not-for-profit foundation. The fee is applicable on a per-production basis.
Unsure of the categories? check this list page. Use the list as a guide for your own nominations.